
The program of the beatification in Košice

The preparatory team offer the three-day program for those who look forward to the event of beatification, so-called The weekend of beatification.

Friday, 31 August 2018

On the knees with Anka – an evening vigils in St. Elizabeth Cathedral

17:15 Prayer of the sacred rosary

18:00 Holy Mass, celebrant Mons. Marek Forgáč, auxiliary bishop of Košice

19:30 Spiritual – poetic band, musical accompaniment – Creative group Poetica Musica

21:15 Eucharistic blessing

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Celebration of beatification on Lokomotíva Košice Stadium

6:00 Stadium opening

7:00 Morning prayer with the Marana Tha community

8:00 Anna and the life with God, musical accompaniment – Dominika Gurbaľová

9:00 Prayer of the sacred rosary

10:00 Eucharistic celebration with the beatification ceremony

               Celebrant – J. Em. cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, the Legate of Pope Francis

12:30 The concert of joy – performers Hanka Servická, Sima Martausová and others. Slza radosti (The tear of joy) – choreography about Anka, directed by Peter Weinciller

15:00 Three o´clock prayer to the Divine Mercy

Sunday, 2 September 2018 

10:30 Glorious Eucharistic celebration in the St. Elizabeth Cathedral in Košice connected with the delivery of blessed Anna Kolesárová´s relics.Celebrant Mons. Bernard Bober, Archbishop of Košice – metropolitan.At the end of the mass the preparatory year will be declared for the 400th anniversary of the martyr´s death of the Holy Martyrs of Košice.

A glorious celebration in Vysoká nad Uhom with the deposition of the reliquary of blessed Anna Kolesárová will celebrate Mons. Bernard Bober, Archbishop of Kosice – metropolitan on Sunday 30 September 2018 with the beginning at 10:00 in the church of the Seventh swords Virgin Mary.

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