Opening of the examination process of sanctity of life of God´s servant Anka Kolesárová
It wasn´t possible to open this process till 1989 because of bad political situation in Slovakia.
But there are some credible records from 1957 that dead father Michal Potocký SJ, native of Vysoká nad Uhom, was gathering witnesses of Anka´s life and death.
People, who knew her, wrote direct or indirect testimonies about her life. After failure of socialism people started to speak or write about Anka´s story and there were iniciated some youth meetings to her tomb.
Now thousands of young people have been there. If we use Jesus words also in this case, that we can distinguish the tree after its fruit, we can hope in positive end of the process.
Celebration of opening the process was a part of Archdiocesan youth meeting in Košice, on 2nd April 2005.
Reasons which support the process of beatification of Anka Kolesárová
- Record in the funeral parish register of rome-catholic parish office in Pavlovce nad Uhom., in part notes there is written: Hostia sanctae castitatis
- Record in the birth parish register of rome-catholic parish office in Pavlovce nad Uhom., in part notes there is written: Killed by Russian soldier because of purity
- Record in the parish chronicle of rome-catholic parish office in Pavlovce nad Uhom from year 1944., general vicar for Užhorod deanery Anton Lukáč, a parish priest in Pavlovce nad Uhom, wrote in details the event during which Anka Kolesárová was shooted.
- Record in the book of dead in the archive of Archbishop office in Košice., in part notes there is written: Hostia sanctae castitatis
- Record in the death certificate., note in part Diseases or other reason of death: during war killed by Russian soldier.
- Testimonies of people, who heard words of Anka Kolesárová before her death: "Daddy, bye! Jesus, Marry, Joseph!" Before her death she took confession and holy communion
- Participants of pilgrims to her tomb participate on church services and others religous programmes. Many of them take confessions or general confessions. We are witnesses of many convertions and inner healings. A huge community of young people is being formed. These people are being prepared for their marriage or other callings by promise of purity.
- Beatification of Anka Kolesárová will be a satisfaction for many women and girls who during WW II suffered from any kind of humiliation.
- By learning about true love we want to protest against any kind of abusement or ivaltreatment of women these days.